About the Company
Premium Life at a glance...
Independent private wealth insurer
Founded in 2014, Premium Life is one of the rare, truly independent private wealth insurers. The founders have exported high net-worth insurance expertise, gained over many years in Europe, to the fertile insurance environment of The Bahamas. A highly experienced management team in the insurance sector is complemented by external expertise from recognised service providers.
As an authorised and licensed External Insurer, governed by the provisions of the 2009 External Insurance Act, Premium Life is regulated by and under the supervision of the Insurance Commission of The Bahamas.
The Bahamas offer a strong statutory protection regime with modernised laws and regulation. As a licensed insurer, Premium Life must appoint external auditors for the audit of its financial statements.
In addition, the Company uses an independent leading reinsurer for mortality risk and underwriting expertise.
The company operates with a secure solvency model with no direct financial, credit or interest risk exposure arising from general funds, and limited mortality risk, which ensures that policies and policyholders rights are safeguarded.