Sponsored by IIR, the 2005 Congress will be held in the Millennium Knightsbridge, London.
The International Trusts Congress consists of three separate events – two masterclasses and a multi streamed congress - which you can attend either separately or in a block, namely:
Two Masterclasses 1. Fundamentals of Trusts This interactive training day is designed to bring you up to speed on the necessity of trusts – either as an update to or as basic training to prepare you for the conference.
- Advanced Trust Administration This masterclass is designed purposefully to help you implement real-world, practical changes (or confirm that you are doing it right). With interactive sessions on effectively managing trust disputes, trustee duties, how to implement a sound KYC system, and lots of real life case law examples.
Main Congress: International Trusts Congress 2005
M. McGuire Conference Producer IIR Conferences Ltd 29 Bressenden Place London SW1E 5DR