World Captive Forum

Monday November 8th, 2010 to Wednesday November 10th, 2010

Category: Insurance

Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Scottsdale, Arizona

Co-sponsored by Business Insurance, Towers Watson and R&Q, this annual event reviews current trends and developments in captive insurance worldwide. The World Captive Forum is a three-day annual meeting that attracts risk managers, captive managers, regulators and service providers to exchange ideas, network and learn from expert speakers.

The conference is organized into three track sessions covering introductory topics, advanced topics and benefits financing topics. Sessions during this conference address topics such as new risk financing alternatives, reinsurance, tax issues, rent-a-captives, cell structures, investments and case studies.

Basics track: Learn from experienced professionals and practitioners about best practices for creating captive insurance programs, as well as the latest trends influencing decisions and tactics.

Advanced track: Explore new strategies and challenges influencing the use and expansion of captive programs and other risk financing alternatives with guidance from leading experts and peers at the forefront of captive insurance.

Benefits track: Gain new insights into using captives to finance benefit programs, hearing from employers and top advisers on the advantages and opportunities of tapping a captive’s potential for benefits.

Contact Details:

World Captive Forum Office | 4248 Park Glen Road | Minneapolis, MN 55416

(952) 928-4659 | Fax (952) 929-1318 |