OffshoreAlert Financial Due Diligence Conference

Sunday April 26th, 2009 to Tuesday April 28th, 2009

Category: Anti-Money Laundering, Financial Services

The 7th Annual OffshoreAlert Financial Due Diligence Conference will be held in Miami Beach, Florida on April 26-28, 2009.

The program addresses the hot issues in the world of offshore finance:

• The world's major countries and political organizations have upped their assault on OFCs. Jeffrey Owens, Head of Tax at the OECD, will explain how you must adapt to the new political realities.

• As a US Senator, Barack Obama co-sponsored the 'Stop Tax Haven Abuse Bill'. As US President, what are his plans for you?

• The tax investigations into Switzerland's UBS and Liechtenstein's LGT Bank and their clients are heating up. Learn all about them, along with tips on how you can avoid being next.

• One sector of the offshore economy is booming. Attend our 'Insolvency & Asset Recovery' sessions and learn how you can legally profit from financial crime – and help victims in the process.


David Marchant Publisher & Editor, OffshoreAlert