Corporate Spelling Bee

Thursday May 16th, 2002 to Thursday May 23rd, 2002

Category: Miscellaneous


The Bahamas Chamber of Commerce has launched the First Annual Corporate Spelling Bee for adults in the workplace. The Business Education Committee, led by Dr. Davidson Hepburn is coordinating this event during the month of May.

The objective of this event is to establish a strategic partnership with all business establishments in the business community, by providing an opportunity for workplace literacy enhancement. The shared Vision of the Committee is the establishment of a National Corporate Spelling Bee, through private/public sector partnership, thus providing the means for the development of a dynamic Workplace Literacy Unit within The Bahamas Chamber of Commerce. This will also provide a learning opportunity for adults in the workplace.

The preliminary contest will be taking place on May 16th, 2002, at the J.Whitney Pinder Training Center on Collins Avenue. The contesting teams will be permitted to wear their company mascots or costumes for the Corporate Spelling Bee Finals, which will take place on May 23rd, 2002 at the British Colonial Hilton Hotel at 6:00p.m. Employees of participating companies will be admitted free with a company I/D. However, other spectators will be charged a nominal fee of $5 for adults and students/children $2 for the Finals.

The long term objective of this venture is to promote the opportunity for The Bahamas' corporate champions to compete with corporate teams from the international Chambers of Commerce. It is hoped that in the future, as a result of this contest, The Bahamas will be considered as the destination of choice for an international competition.

Contact the Chamber's Office for additional details: June Fife or LaGloria Davis, Coordinators.