A Two Day Workshop: The Backlash from the Crisis – What Should you Know about Risk Management; Regulation and New Financial Instruments?
November 4th - 5th, 2009 British Colonial Hilton Hotel
A Bahamas Institute of Financial Services event, promoted together with the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) Centre, Henley Business School at the University of Reading, UK and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) of the USA.
Notable weaknesses have been revealed in banks’ risk management processes during the financial turmoil that began in 2007. This Seminar will refer to the body of reports on the source of the turmoil that have been issued by national and international bodies since the crisis began. Discussions and guidance are intended to assist banks and supervisors in better identifying and managing risks in the future and in appropriately capturing risks in their internal assessments of capital adequacy.
This Programme will provide a backdrop to the lessons we can learn from the Crisis and includes:
The response of Regulators worldwide
A detailed analysis of the Enhancements to Basel II (announced July 2009)
The implications for new Financial Instruments
Corporate Governance: Duties of Board and Management
Who Should Attend:
The Capital Markets, Regulation and Compliance Programme is ideal for all finance industry participants who seek a solid under-standing of financial market concepts, the growing significance of regulation, and the need for compliance, including:
capital markets professionals (including brokers, dealers, banking and insurance
professionals, and professional traders);
regulators and compliance professionals;
legal, audit, risk, operations, and IT specialists; and
investors and others seeking a sound understanding of financial markets.
CONTACT INFORMATION : The Bahamas Institute of Financial Services
Tel: 242-325-4955 or 323-0872
P O Box N 3202, Nassau, N.P. The Bahamas