Public Sector Partnership at Work for 2010 IBFS

Tuesday January 26th, 2010

Plus Series of Business Development Workshops

BFSB Chairman Craig Tony Gomez has confirmed that a number of Government Ministers and Regulators will be in attendance at the upcoming International Business & Finance Summit (IBFS) in Bimini, on January 29-31.

He says, “We are pleased at the number of national and international stakeholders who have registered for this event and will be in attendance. Considering the economic times, this is an achievement and it reflects the interest by stakeholders in knowing what is presently happening in the industry and the possible roadmaps as we progress into 2010.”

The public sector has embraced the Summit’s precursor -- the annual Bahamas Financial Services Retreat -- and will be in attendance at IBFS, led by the Deputy Prime Minister along with sector-relevant Ministers and Industry Regulators. A representative of the Official Opposition will be in attendance as well.