CEO Tanya McCartney contributed to the Winter 2015 2016 edition of the IFC Economic Report, speaking to the positioning of The Bahamas. She says, “Innovation in wealth and asset management services provided in The Bahamas parallels the level of changes in international regulatory standards heralded by the revised FATF recommendations, FATCA and other such initiatives.” Indeed, The Bahamas has taken a balanced and cooperative approach in responding to these worldwide initiatives at both the legislative and product level. This approach balances the need to ensure that clients operating in a compliant manner have the right to privacy with The Bahamas commitment to being a cooperative and transparent jurisdiction that adheres to international best practices.
This edition of IFC’s Economic Review was prepared under the theme: “Regulation: The Oil or The Sand in the Machine?”
Click here to download the full report, and open PDF below for CEO McCartney’s article in full.