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Bahamas Bar Association

The Bar Council is responsible for the administration of the Bar and the defense of the Bar in its relations with the executive and the judiciary; the encouragement of legal education and the promotion of the study of jurisprudence; the promotion of standards of etiquette and professional conduct required of members of the Bar; the protection of the public right of access to the courts and the right of representation by members of the Bar before courts and tribunals; the encouragement of the improvement of the administration of justice and procedure, including arrangements for legal advice and aid for persons in need thereof; the promotion and support of law reform; the furtherance of good relations between members of the Bar and lawyers of other countries; and such other matters of professional concern to members of the Bar as the Bar Association may determine.

Code of Conduct

The practice of law in The Bahamas continues the oldest traditions and highest standards of the profession. If you witness a trial in the Supreme Court or Court of Appeal, you will observe not only the colonial horsehair wigs and gowns, but also the good manners and professional etiquette, while each side tenaciously defends his client’s cause.

The key quality expected of lawyers is integrity. You will also find that independence of the profession is a most prominent feature. This has had the side effect of producing a large number of small or sole practitioner firms. It is very easy to find a wide selection of competent lawyers who will take your instructions.

The Code of Professional Conduct sets out in practical detail the standards that lawyers are expected to observe. All of them are to be followed meticulously and conscientiously. The Code is contained in the second blue volume of subsidiary legislation of The Bahamas, Chapter 44 at pages 888 to 918. Lawyers are measured by those standards in proceedings in the Ethics Committee and the Disciplinary Tribunal. More importantly, the rules provide guidance in every day situations. Constructive criticism is the essence of a self-governing profession; indeed, the Code indicates how criticism should be channeled and how it may be most constructive.


Phone: (242) 393-3220
Fax: (242) 393-3224
E-mail: [email protected]


Mackey Street & Claire Road
P.O. Box N4632
Nassau, Bahamas