The Financial Industry ยป Associations

Bahamas Association of Compliance Officers

The stated mission of BACO members is to serve respective financial service organisations and the Bahamian financial marketplace by seeking to enhance the role of compliance within the Bahamian environment, thereby enhancing public trust in and to better ensure the integrity of the Bahamian financial service industry.

In furthering this goal, BACO has concentrated its efforts on networking by sharing of best practice among its members and on providing training of interest to compliance related staff.

The role of the Compliance Officer has even greater significance in light of Regulation 5(e) of the new FIU (Transactions Reporting) Regulations, 2001 that provides that financial institutions shall "identify and appoint a senior officer as a 'compliance officer' who shall ensure that a regulated institution is in full compliance with the laws of The Bahamas".


Shasta Treco-Moxey, President
Phone: (242) 325-4921
Fax: (242) 325-5674
E-mail: [email protected]


P.O. Box N-3202
Nassau, Bahamas