Frequently Asked Questions
What are the key pieces of legislation considered instrumental in enhancing the competitiveness of the financial services industry?
Category: Industry Legislation
Financial legislation and amendments continue to produced a boom for the offshore industry. These include:
Note: Click here for comprehensive list and to download copies.
- The Banks Act, 1909
- The Banks & Trust Companies Regulations Act, 1965
- The Banks & Trust Companies Regulation (Amendment) Act, 1989
- The Banks & Trust Companies Regulations Act, 2000
- The Central Bank Act, 2000
- The Companies Act, 1986
- The Companies Act, 1992
- The Companies (Amendment) Act, 1994
- The Exempted Limited Partnership Act, 1994
- The International Business Companies Act, 1989
- The International Business Companies (Amendment) Act, 1992
- The International Business Companies (Amendment) Act, 1994
- The International Business Companies Act, 2000
- The Bahamas Nationality Act, 1973
- The Insurance Act, 1969
- The Insurance (Amendment) Act, 1984
- The External Insurance Act, 1983
- The External Insurance (Amendment) Act, 1996
- The Business License Act, 1980
- The Business Names Act
- The Dangerous Drugs Act
- The Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Act, 1988
- The Exchange Control Act, 1952
- The Exchange Control Regulations Act, 1956
- The Tracing and Forfeiture of Proceeds of Drug Trafficking Act, 1987
(Money Laundering)
- Money Laundering (Proceeds of Crime) Act, 1996
- Money Laundering (Proceeds of Crime) Regulations, 1996
- Money Laundering (Proceeds of Crime) Amendment, 1999
- Proceeds of Crime Act, 2000
(Securities Industry)
- The Mutual Funds Act, 1995
- The Mutual Funds Regulations Act, 1995
- The Securities Industries Act, 1999
- The Securities Industry Regulations, 2000
- The Investment Funds Act 2003
- The Investment Funds Regulations 2003
(Real Estate)
- The International Persons Landholding Act, 1993
- The Perpetuities Act, 1995
- The Real Estate (Brokers and Salesmen) Act, 1995
- The Time Sharing Act, 1984
- The Bahamas Vacation Plan and Time-Sharing Act 1999
- The Bahamas Maritime Authority Act, 1995
- The Merchant Shipping Act, 1976
- The Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 1979
- The Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 1982
- The Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 1989
- The Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution) Act, 1976
- The Shipping Miscellany (Amendments) Act 1991
- The Banks & Trust Companies Regulation Act, 1965
- The Banks & Trust Companies Regulation (Amendment) Act, 1989
- The Banks & Trust Companies Regulation Act, 2000
- The Fraudulent Disposition Act, 1991 Asset Protection Trust)
- The Trustee Act, 1893
- The Trustee Act, 1998
- The Trustees Appointment Act
- The Variation of Trusts Act
- The Trusts (Choice of Governing Law) Act, 1989